
Peab rolls out PipeChain to numerous construction projects

Peab rolls out PipeChain to numerous construction projects
After a pilot study and evaluation period, Peab - a major Swedish construction company, has chosen to extend cooperation with PipeChain and roll out the use of PipeChain as a planning and process improvement tool for numerous construction projects.

The solution is based on the standard PipeChain product and involves using PipeChain to create and electronically distribute delivery schedules to suppliers. The information in the delivery plans gives suppliers better advanced warning and better information about future requirements. They can then plan their activities more efficiently, providing their customers with better service.

Just-in-time deliveries

Delivery plans are updated continuously and the supplier delivers products and services according to the information in the plan, which means that construction projects constantly get “just-in-time” deliveries according to their actual needs.

Simplified and more automated administration

An important part of the solution is a simplified and more automated management of delivery notes, orders, receipts and invoices. The solution includes suppliers sending an electronic order receipt on what was actually delivered, which is then used by the customer for automatic matching of supplier invoices. Using this acknowledgment and the matching process greatly reduces administration and frees up time. Additionally, the improved process gives customers an opportunity to monitor operations on a completely different level of financial detail without additional administration.

Peab is one of the leading construction and civil engineering companies in the Nordic countries with a net sale of SEK 43 billion and 13,000 employees. The Group’s subsidiaries have strategically located offices in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. The registered office of the Group is at Förslöv, Skåne in south of Sweden. www.peab.com